Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Cadet Education


  • Conner Leggett
  • Maximus Marchi
  • McKenzie Muse
  • Samuel Wesley
  • Jonathan Mellon




Artificial Intelligence, Education, Language Learning, Large Language Model, e-Learning


This paper contributes to the ongoing discourse on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into educational settings while addressing the challenges within military institutions. Specifically, we investigate how the United States Military Academy (USMA) can integrate emerging technology into classrooms while upholding core military values. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of potential AI applications at USMA, culminating in the development of a use-case feasibility index for educational purposes. We developed an AI-powered platform that would enable cadets and faculty to create customizable chatbots aimed at enhancing learning experiences. We devised Portuguese AI chat and feedback bots aligned with Standard Portuguese (LP204) curriculum objectives, facilitating natural conversations, and delivering personalized feedback to users. Through a systematic test conducted across all LP204 sections, followed by a post-application survey, we examined the efficacy that AI can have on language learning programs. Findings reveal positive feedback, suggesting the potential utility of AI-driven educational tools.


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How to Cite

Leggett, C., Marchi, M., Muse, M., Wesley, S., & Mellon, J. (2025). Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Cadet Education. Industrial and Systems Engineering Review, 12(1), 7-12. https://doi.org/10.37266/ISER.2025v12i1.pp7-12