A Normative Methodology for Research & Development Alignment and Decision-Making in the Arctic


  • Aaron Duhart
  • Sean Eckert
  • Sarah Guzzo
  • Brooks Hosea
  • Lauren Stovar
  • James Schreiner




Arctic Research and Development, Project Portfolio, Decision Making and Analysis, Decision Analysis


ERDC’s current portfolio development process introduces ill-defined and low technology readiness level (TRL) concepts before processing them through the USACE Project Portfolio Management (PFM) System to determine the list of projects for lab resourcing. This research will present a scalable decision model before the PFM, to ensure that projects are aligned with higher-level strategies and priorities. This would minimize wasted time and resources by the research community before Research and Development (R&D) projects are approved using the PFM. The multi-attribute decision aid coupled with a Kendall Tau analysis provides mechanisms to ensure alignment. The goal is to eliminate ideas that do not fall under the strategic objectives set by the White House and the Department of Defense and make sure all projects are aligned with these priorities. The model illustrates how the PFM misaligns with the more normative design created for ill-defined projects.


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How to Cite

Duhart, A., Eckert, S., Guzzo, S., Hosea, B., Stovar, L., & Schreiner, J. (2022). A Normative Methodology for Research & Development Alignment and Decision-Making in the Arctic. Industrial and Systems Engineering Review, 10(2), 115-120. https://doi.org/10.37266/ISER.2022v10i2.pp115-120

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